Down the Rabbit Hole: Trying out Stock Photography

A few months ago, I started a Shutterstock account to try and sell some of my photos. It was free to create an account, so I figured why not? I uploaded about 30 photos, and about 20 of them were approved. I am not sure what I was expecting, but my photos just sat there.Continue reading “Down the Rabbit Hole: Trying out Stock Photography”

My Photographic Misadventure at the Peach Festival

Last night my husband told me that there was going to be a Peach Festival in a neighboring town, and he wanted to know if we all wanted to go. There was going to be a pancake breakfast, parade, booths, and more. I said sure, sounded fun! Not only did it sound fun, but IContinue reading “My Photographic Misadventure at the Peach Festival”

What is National Geographic YourShot, and how can it help you with your photos?

What is National Geographic YourShot, and why is it one of my goals to be published through it? The YourShot site is a community of photographers with a wide range of skill levels, talents, and interests. Members post their best work on their profiles, and other members can leave feedback on the images. Members canContinue reading “What is National Geographic YourShot, and how can it help you with your photos?”

A bug takes flight – goals for this photographer

Hello lovely! Thank you for taking the time to visit today. As I start this blog, I am an amateur photographer at best. I have been taking photos for years, and have slowly improved upon the way. However, I am now striving to do more with lens. I started this blog to show the worldContinue reading “A bug takes flight – goals for this photographer”